NOT DEADLINE...separates the truth from fiction (every Tuesday) in entertainment news

Graceland Sale Fraud Scheme...why law enforcement got it all wrong...

Not Deadline wrote an article months back about the Graceland estate sale fraud situation. Media outlets were speculating about Nigerian scam artists and con artist networks and any variety of common fraudsters. We argued that it was an inside job undertaken with great precision by someone who did not like Riley Keough.

We argued this because even the dumbest con artist would know that defrauding Graceland under the aliases of fictional persons would never work.

And now we get this bombshell announcement that some random lone wolf out there in the world was caught by the FBI and will likely cop a plea or get convicted and serve some time in prison.

Here’s the big problem. Lisa Jeanine Findley did not perpetrate this fraud.

For starters, who is Lisa Jeanine Findley? We cannot find Lisa Findley and Kimberling City as one search in any of those people search engines like or that are accurate nearly 100% of the time. That’s interesting.

Next, the media doesn’t mention any of Lisa Findley’s previous fraudster activity. Surely, she’s a repeat offender because anyone committing fraud for the first time wouldn’t start with America’s equivalent of the Taj Mahal. Turns out that Lisa has a blank slate of previous crime, let alone lawsuits or convictions or charges for anything.

Third, the notary. It made no sense for Lisa to pick a name out of the Florida notary book when that person would invariably raise their hand to say it’s bullshit. Why didn’t Lisa Findley herself become a notary using an alias (or even her real name if she was going to use fake names for the rest of the plan) or have a close friend do it for her?  At least make it more challenging for people to figure it out.

Fourth, email creation. Did Lisa do any research into email hosting companies to find something that offered more privacy? Was hotmail the best she could do? Did she consider using an email account of a company that has its hosting base outside of the United States? Did she consider using VPN to create the account? Or maybe having a disreputable friend (don’t birds of a feather flock together?) open an account for her?

Fifth, it’s mentioned in the official document that Lisa Findley fired off an email to the Graceland trust last July 14th and then sent a package on July 28th 2023. Well, by then, it was established that Riley Keough would be the trustee and the terms of the trust in terms of money to Priscilla Presley and the burial location were done…which means Riley would have seen this email from the alias fraudster and been made aware of the mailed package. If so, why did the Trust not immediately doubt the claim and enlist the help of others to get to the bottom of this problem?

We call bullshit on Lisa Findley as the person behind this fraud and instead reiterate and insist that the person who oversaw this scheme was someone with a personal vendetta against Riley Keough.

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